Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Gobbler Fan Gets Lucky At Scams

I was looking at something on the Internets recently and noticed something interesting with this socialized medicine deal that Barry and his team are pushing on us - it will mean that folks who don't want any part of it will not only be fined if they don't participate (something I've been predicting on this blog for most of the year), but the way the bill is currently written Barry and his boys can throw your ass in jail to try and compel you to participate. I can't say I'm too surprised by this. It's just hard to believe that so many people are so eager to throw our hard fought freedoms away for something as silly and bound to fail as forcing Americans to buy something they don't want. I mention this only to inform readers of this blog (many of whom are young and healthy and have no need for health insurance in the first place) exactly what old Barry has in store for you if you don't comply. I'm guessing re-education camps are coming soon, then concentration camps, then who knows after that. Maybe at Barry's first concentration camp deal I can bunk with Ann Coulter. It would almost make it worth the whole socialist ordeal we're going through. Almost.

I also saw where William Jefferson Blythe was pushing the Democrat Party in the Senate to go through with this socialized medicine deal. And that's cool, he can have any opinion he wants. I did wonder though, if William Jefferson Blythe was getting behind the socialized medicine plan because it would cover paying the dry cleaning bill for a blue Gap dress with his semen smeared all over it. Or plastic surgery so skanks he nailed could transform themselves into looking like a Batman villain.

I was out at Scams last Thursday watching ECU battle the Gobblers (& got a lucky push on the game). Anyway, about midway through the 3rd quarter this sister walks in and sits down to my left. Scuba was bartending and he asks this woman what she'd like and she says "Can I get some wings to go?" And Scuba says "What flavor?" And I chimed in "How about Flavor Flav!" At least the girl laughed. Later, as she was waiting on the wings to come out, she asked me "What's a sista gotta do to get some white meat in this city?" And I said "Find the nearest Gobbler fan and tell him you're wearing a weave. He'll beg to do you." And I'd like to report that there were Va Tech fans in the bar, and this nice black girl did approach one of them, showed the guy her greasy wings, and promptly walked out with him. She got her white meat. I was so happy for the both of them. It was nice to see 2 people of different races come together for some lovely cheap sex over Gobbler football, greasy chicken, and rank desperation. It's what makes Greensboro so awesome.

I just watched last week's episode of The Office, the one where Michael dumped Pam's mom after realizing that she was 58 years old. He was an ass as usual. Clueless, pathetic ass. I did find it amusing however that Michael didn't take the time to consider that Pam's mom might be pushing 60 when he hooked up with her at Pam and Jim's wedding. He is breathtakingly stupid at times. But it's funny. It's painfully funny. It's like watching Notre Dame try and stop the Navy rushing attack. Unless you despise the Irish, then it's not painful at all. Then it goes back to just being funny.

Someone mentioned to me that it's been almost a year since I started this pointless and utterly stupid blog. And the person who mentioned it asked me "Why do you keep it going? What motivates you to keep writing against all odds as a lone voice in the wilderness about alcohol, gambling, cheap sex, Barack Hussein Obama, and trivia?" I thought for a moment about the gravity of the query. Then I answered "It passes the time."

Interesting slate of games this evening. I would urge everyone to put some dough down on the boys from Piscataway. The line is ridiculous. They should win by 6 or more.

Geilfuss texted me the other day to inform me he has jury duty coming up soon. I assumed he was looking for some tip to get out of it. First, I reminded him that he's a sucker for voting and this is the price for being "part of the democratic process." Then I told him on the questionnaire they give you at the courthouse, just casually put a note on there that he hates Mexicans, or any group for that matter. They'll dismiss him forthwith.

They're meaningless and all that's real.

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