Thursday, November 19, 2009

Trivial Matters

I've been receiving some interesting feedback from dedicated readers of this blog recently concerning the wild and completely pointless world of trivia. Basically folks are curious why I've had so little about trivia silliness in recent posts. The answer to that lies in the fact that I'm about trivia exhausted. I put so much time and mental energy into it for such a long period of time that I think I started to experience burnout. I don't know how the Tom (the guy who plays devil's advocate and studies his notes) types of the world can keep playing these trivia games night after night, week after week, month after month, and year after year without getting sick of it. I really don't. Besides that, it's football season and my attention span at a trivia game is basically non-existent if there's a game being played during the trivia. I normally spend half the time during a Thursday game at Patrick Bateman's asking Andy what just happened. Maybe I'll get back at it at some point. Who knows???

On the bright side of the trivia front, it looks like our team has qualified for the playoffs from the Turquoise Terrapin for the season - no thanks to me as I think I made it to 1 or 2 games all fall. It just goes to show that Andy, Jeff, Dan, and Mary don't need me around to do just fine at it. It also looks like Nana and her crew are hanging in there at their location and I only made it 1 time to help them out all fall.

Speaking of trivial matters, I noticed awhile back that on the Showtime Trivia website that Brian has taken to writing a weekly blog about things that annoy him (I think he calls it Brian's Rants or something). I'm not sure where he got the idea for this ranting thing, but I do think he has read this blog before from time to time. So I might be culpable for unleashing Brian's rants on the World Wide Web of Deceit. I've read 2 or 3 of these rants of his, and I gotta say that I can't tell if it's supposed to be satire or genuine venom half the time. It's pretty confusing. Maybe I'm not smart enough to get Brian, but I don't think that's the case. I really don't. Maybe Brian is busy working on more dog bite questions for a $1000. That would be awesome. Awesomely ridiculous. Good luck to everyone who has to suffer through his championship game this Saturday night. As for me, I'll be sitting at Playas watching the old college pigskin action with Brandon. Depending how things go, I might be suffering as well. It would just be a different kind of suffering. The kind of suffering that doesn't involve dog bite questions though. So, there's no way it would be as excruciating at Playas compared to the big trivia mess that will be unleashed at whatever shitty bar Brian finds to hold all the pitiful, ugly, sad, nasty trivia teams (that does not include the Jacobys if they're playing this fall, I have no idea what they're up to as far as trivia these days)- no matter what happens with the football games. Good luck to all who will be there. And most importantly when Gramma Dave mis-scores some team's final question and screws up the end of the game - remember, he's doing it out of sheer drunken loneliness, as he pines for a granola girl who is moderately cute. He's not screwing up because of utter incompetence, as he'll leave that distinction to Brian. And if anyone reading this sees the guy who plays devil's advocate and studies his notes at this game Saturday, tell him I miss him terribly and give him a big kiss on the cheek for me (after all, he's got an excellent complexion!).

It looks like Barack Hussein Obama and his minions are at it again with these asinine claims about jobs being created or "saved" by the stimulating packages deal. Even though over 3 million jobs have been lost since old Barry took office, he has the balls to claim that it would be unknowingly worse if not for all the jobs "saved" by the package stimulation. About the only jobs I'm certain have been saved by this whole thing are the dudes working overtime at the boner medication factories to be sure Joe Biden can keep his constant stiffy intact.

Big goings on in the NFL so far this season and I don't want to bore anyone with analysis of something so awful, but I feel like I should comment on the state of everyone's favorite team, the New England Patriots. It seems like lots of criticism has been leveled at Belichick and his decision to go for it on 4th down and 2 from his own 28 with just over 2 minutes left against the Colts. I wasn't too surprised by the decision. Too many coaches are scared of doing something bold and looking bad in the media. Belichick absolutely made the right decision to go for it there. My issue was with the play call, not the decision itself. I would have run a draw myself, but anyone who ever watches football with me knows my fondness for the draw in those type of situations. It's funny because ESPN showed a flashback of when Barry Switzer made a similar decision on 4th and 1 at the 29 against the Eagles in 1995 (if memory serves, it was the 2nd Sunday in December) at the Vet. That was also the right decision, and even the right play, as the Cowboys ran Emmitt behind 3 Pro Bowlers. They just didn't pick it up. What no one ever mentions about that whole scenario with Switzer going for it is that the Cowboys didn't lose a game the rest of the season (and crushed the Eagles 30-11 in the playoffs) and finished up Super Bowl champs against Neil O'Donnell and Bill Cowher's pedophile mustache. I'm not saying the same thing will happen for the Patsies this year, but I think it gives Brady and the offense a lot of confidence moving forward that Belichick has that much faith in them. You can hate Belichick all you want, but he's got the rings. Not much to argue with there.

I finally saw the Gran Torino the other night. It was pretty damn good. Eastwood is spot on. If you've ever met guys who are about 75 -90 and fought over in Asia during WWII or the Korean War, many of them are a lot like Eastwood's character in the movie. They've got a long memory of terrible times. And you can't blame them for that. You really can't.

I'm sitting in this Generic Bread joint at the moment and Duke fans are next to me. And they are nauseating as always, talking about Gene Banks or something. I mumbled in there direction something about Elizabeth Banks at one point a few minutes ago. They didn't laugh. That's the problem with almost all Duke fans - they have zero sense of humor. Zero.

Elvis was a hero to most
But he never meant shit to me

I'm out---

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