Friday, October 19, 2018

Who Put The S In There

I was sitting idly at some seedy dive bar off 161, desperately trying to be left alone to watch the Brewers/Dodgers game the other day, when one of these cigarette coupon pushers comes by and asks if I smoke. You know these people, they go from bar to bar and try to get folks to sign up for some mythical mailing list and hand you a coupon for $1 off a  pack of American Spirits or whatever. I have no interest in these people at all. Well this particular cigarette coupon pusher was extra pushy. Big pushy pusher. This woman kept asking me my brand and informing me that I was missing out on an amazing opportunity. After about 45 seconds of her being pushy, I asked if she had Down's Syndrome. She didn't like that at all. She let me know that her Dad has Down's Syndrome. I said "That's not the least bit surprising. I'm assuming he fucks like a retard, since, you know, he is a retard." She was pretty irked. She said something to the bartender about me being rude. The bartender laughed and this cigarette coupon pusher took off. Unfortunately, the Dodgers won..

This blog used to focus from time to time on our dear friend Barry and his misadventures trying to be a leader. Those were good times. Poor Barry was such an easy target. This new guy that's in there now is someone I think I have blogged about before. Back in 2009 or 2010 Dennis Rodman was on a program called Celebrity Apprentice. I watched the 3 or 4 episodes before The Worm was kicked off the show. It was all stupid and silly. I believe I may have mentioned that the host of the show, one Donald J Trump, came across as a dumb dumb blowhard. Little did I know that years later, this Celebrity Apprentice guy would become our new dear leader. Strange days indeed.

I was out at trivia last night at some really shitty joint on Lazelle and ran into Mini Macho Man on the back patio while having a smoke. The reason I call him Mini Macho Man I don't think needs an explanation...Anyway, there had just been a question asked about Presidential History. And I'm not too bad with that type of question. I was not playing on Mini Macho Man's team. I was playing on another crappy team. So Mini Macho Man asks me for the answer to this question. I said "Stevie." You might be wondering what the question was - What does the S stand for in Harry S Truman? Alas, Mini Macho Man didn't laugh...

The only good thing that came of the whole sordid trivia game I just mentioned is that I recognized the picture for the final double down dare or whatever the hell they call the last question at this game. You're not gonna stump me on a photo of the Reichstag. Obviously. My crappy team came in 2nd as a result. I've never seen people so thrilled about being the 1st loser. I walked out, lit a smoke, then went to watch the Bronco/Cards game next door. That game was over quickly.

The only person I'm going to mention to that I have written a new blog post for the first time in over 4 years is Geilfuss. If anyone else stumbles on it, that's okay too I guess. Geilfuss is now a Certified Financial Planner living in Boca Raton or somewhere with tons of old Jewish gals. How Geilfuss got this designation is mystifying. People trust the kid with their retirement funds and whatnot. If they only knew what I know and readers of this blog know. An incredible tale of something - only in America, whatever whatever.

By the way, Geilfuss and I tried our hand at the Survivor pool for the 10th time this fall. The Vikes lost at home as 17 point favorites to Buffalo.. Kirk Cousins is not my guy. We still haven't won the pool. It's the greatest regret of my life.

Everything Counts in Large Amounts

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