Wednesday, August 7, 2019

The Quad Deuce Gang

Jill Garvey

I was rereading some old posts from a blog titled It Could Be Kobe Bryant the other day. Yes, the blog that Geilfuss toiled away writing periodically from 2008 to 2010. The posts are timeless. Many of them relevant to today's general sense of angst and malaise. Geilfuss often wrote about passing the time at some shitty server job, or at the library, or watching hoops. My favorite post is where he describes being carjacked in 2004. The story is riveting - filled with holes and gaps of time that leave the reader confused. In other words, it's classic Geilfuss.

Geilfuss did read the post I put up the other day and reminisced about the time I played Fantasy in his league in 2009. He did remind me that my team name was Soiled Panties and with the first overall pick I chose Sebastian Janikowski. Good times...

I've written a little bit about the hundreds of candidates running to be our next dear leader in the Democrat Party here recently and in my last post endorsed Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii.It's really helped as she's all the way up to 3.2% in the latest polling. I never knew I had such sway with Democrat voters. Anyway, she's trailing Joe Biden and his medically induced boner by quite a bit. I wrote about old Joe a lot back when he was second in command to Barry some time ago. He was super easy to make fun of. Gaffe after gaffe after gaffe. Also good times. I don't see any way the Democrat Party would actually nominate old Joe. He's very old and not very bright. But whatever. Another of the hundreds of folks running is one Amy Klobuchor. She's a senator from Minnesota. When researching her a bit, one discovers there is nothing remarkable about her at all - unlike Tulsi or Mayor Pete Butt. She's a lawyer who went to Yale. Half our dear leaders have been lawyers who went to Yale or Harvard or sometimes both -old W went to both, but didn't study law at either. I digress, as always. Anyway, Senator Amy has no chance to win, but she's still in the running and will be eligible for the next debate - in Houston next month. Her background has nothing interesting to talk about. I've never heard the woman speak and have no idea why I'm writing about her. So I will stop.

I wrote a little about Dick Belt Bill in my last post Even though I never really knew him at all, the main thing I recall from the one time we were in the same place at the same time is that he wore some black leather get up in August - reminiscent of the gimp in Pulp Fiction - you know Zed's boy. Anyway, another character I have come across here the last few years is a kid called  Quad Deuce. The reason he's called Quad Deuce is because he's known for taking four shits every day at work. His legend was born long before I ever set foot in the office park here. When I first met the kid, I was immediately informed by a colleague of this kid's status as Quad Deuce. I had never heard of such an interesting thing to be nicknamed for. It's pretty neat really. He's worked for me from time to time on some highly irrelevant projects I've been in charge of and he's pretty quiet, but I did notice that he was gone from his work area four times a day for around 15 minutes - sure enough pooping, pooping, pooping, and pooping. I actually have joined a gang at work called the Quad Deuce. It's just me and the same colleague who told me about the whole Quad Deuce situation. We aren't accepting any new members, ever. Our gang sign is kinda interesting. I could probably get kicked out of the gang for sharing this, but since no one reads this blog, what does it matter? I'll let caution fly, etc. Our gang sign in the Quad Deuce gang is to, using your right hand, first flash four fingers then flash two fingers - see, Quad Deuce!!!

I was out a few weekends ago enjoying the golf and same baseball at some truly awful place on High Street that no one should ever  go to. Deranged dummies run rampant in the joint. There was on old woman in the place at the time. She was hammered. Anyway, she decided to inform me that the country was currently under a code red. I had no idea what that meant, but I said "Okay." She explained that the code red was due to the fact that two sets of planes had crashed into each other at the Nashville airport. That was news to me, but since I don't keep up with current events at all, while unlikely, her proclamation seemed possible. I checked the google on my phone to be sure and it turns out this sweaty old drunk woman was delusional. There wasn't a code red or any plane crashes in Kid Rock's new home town.I decided not to argue with this old gal and she proceeded to ramble on for quite some time. After she got up and sauntered to the lady's loo, the bartender informed me that the woman was crazy and to pay her no mind. I responded "I surmised that."

I saw the Once Upon A time in Hollywood over the weekend. It's good and all, but way too long. Anyway, I noticed many shots that lingered on women's feet for far too many seconds - mainly  of the feet from Margot Robbie and Margaret Qualley - this Tarantino has a real foot fetish -  he's the Rex Ryan of movies.

Speaking of Margaret Qualley, if you haven't seen The Leftovers, you should. It's the best show I've ever seen.

Get that Gucci Breakfast

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