Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Playmaker vs Cris Carter

Real quick here today - super quick. I've got some virus and feel like death - just terrible. I wouldn't wish this feeling on the Lurch-like Tom or even Fran for that matter. But there has been a bit of controversy in the comment section of yesterday's post over Cris Carter not being in the Hall vs Michael Irvin already being in. 1st of all, Carter will get in - it's just ridiculous to make him wait. As far as Irvin, I don't think I've ever noted on this blog that he was the most money receiver on 3rd down I have ever seen in my life - and now I have noted it. I don't think it serves any purpose to debate who is more worthy HOF-wise between Carter and Irvin - they were both awesome. The reason Irvin did not have to wait as long as Carter is simple - he has 3 rings. That's it. As far as the relative differences between attending TOSU and Thug U in the 80's - well, both Carter and Irvin managed to find whatever they wanted as far as drugs, women, whatever. I think it is safe to concede however, that Earle Bruce may have been a bit more old school than Jimmy Johnson or Dennis Erickson when it came to allowing players to go a bit wild in their free time - to say the least. The main difference on this whole collegiate career point, and both players transgressions in general, is that Carter cleaned his act up way before Irvin. To debate who is more worthy between the 2 of them on the football field is utterly pointless. It's like the debate between the actress from Jerusalem and Keira Fucking Knightley. Move forward...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok i promise to play nice