Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Retard Is Not A Pejorative Term

Note: I realize that trying to figure out how the picture above is related to this post is way trickier than normal. Put your thinking caps on and you can do it...

I saw where the Tea Party people had some big convention over the weekend in the Music City. Some of you might recall that last spring, when the Tea Party people had their demonstrations on Tax Day, I mocked them quite a bit. But, I also noted that politicians should take these people seriously. They are really unhappy with everything going on with government, especially the federal government. Now, I didn't watch any of the convention myself (I think they aired it on CSPAN), but from what I could gather, the folks seemed as loony as ever (dressed up in colonial era garb and wigs, reminiscent of that gay orgy scene in JFK...). But do not underestimate the power these Tea Party people are gonna wield moving forward. It will be considerable. I don't think Barry and his minions have any kind of grasp on this movement and what it means. What it means is that the Democrat Party could very well be swept right out of power in the Congress come November. Just watch...

I also saw where Barry's spokesman (one of the Gibb brothers I think) was mocking that woman who used to be Alaska's governor and has written a best-selling book, for keeping crib notes on her hand to remind her what key points to touch on during some speech. And you gotta find that criticism a bit curious - to say the least. Because Barry was using a teleprompter recently at a speech to an elementary school class. How old Barry can't feel comfortable speaking extemporaneously to little kids is beyond me. But to rip this ex-governor of Alaska for having some notes scrawled in her palm is certainly hypocritical. I don't know for certain if this spokesman for Barry was actually in the Bee Gees or not. It would make sense though, because he certainly knows a lot about Jive Talkin'. I do wonder How Deep Is His Love. And if he gets Night Fever. Or if Mrs Obama Is More Than A Woman To Him???

As far as the woman who used to be Alaska's governor and has written a best selling book, I can't figure out the fascination with her - from either folks who love her or folks who hate her. I don't get it. She seems harmless enough to me. I'm not sure what she ever did to engender such fanatical feelings, positive or negative. It's baffling. I did see where this ex-Alaskan governor got very upset at one of Barry's Chicago henchmen for using the term "retard." She almost got him fired. I believe he was forced to apologize. Regular readers of this blog know that I use the word retard pretty often. Only I don't attach any necessarily negative connotation when using the word retard. I only use the word retard to describe retards. It's that simple. If someone is a retard, just call them a retard. What else should we call them? Mentally challenged??? That's way worse than retard. Developmentally disabled??? Also way worse than retard. If I were a retard (and some folks would argue I am...), then just call me what I am - a retard. Why the condescending euphemisms??? Who benefits??? Again, it's baffling.

I heard from my friend Jen recently and for what it's worth, she, like others, completely agrees with my assessment of State Workers. It's intersting to note that, as far as everyone who has read my posts on that subject, none of them disputes anything I wrote.

I actually spent the better part of an hour last night watching Charlie Rose on PBS. His guest was David Brooks of the NYT. Why was I watching, you might ask? Well, I chalk it up to feeling like garbage and generally being out of it (I do feel a little better today). Anyway, there was an interesting part of the conversation that Rose and Brooks had where Brooks admitted that there is a huge disconnect between folks who live on the coasts of this country and just about everyone in between (something I've noted on this blog several times). Brooks talked at some length about the reality of this disconnect. The problem is that the elites on the coasts have no conception of the day to day lives of most folks and don't seem to have any interest in trying to figure out where these people are coming from. This fact is what has led to all the Tea Party anger and so forth. If these elite types could just put aside their disdain for normal people for a few hours and come and sit in an average watering hole or workplace break room someplace in the middle of the country, it would serve them well. What they would learn is that regular people aren't quite as stupid as they assume. But this won't ever happen. These over-educated liberal types never learn. Never.

I also managed to look in on Oprah yesterday for awhile. She was interviewing nuns from Ann Arbor. And when I found out that a bunch of women from Ann Arbor had become nuns, my immediate thought was, who can blame them? If your choices are dating guys from U of M or leading a life of celibacy and poverty, what would any reasonable woman pick? Celibacy and poverty, obviously. It's not even close.

I got an interesting comment concerning Matt Jones possibly getting into the NFL HOF. And if you only consider cocaine busts as criteria for induction, then Jones is right there - no doubt about it.

Dave drop a load on em'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The fascination with Palin stems from several facts, the least of which is that she isn't some withered, crag-faced asexual lump of polyester like most female politicians. She does her hair up pretty, she smiles at the camera with her white-girl smile, and then she talks about gun rights and skinning a moose. She also is the mother in a dysfunctional, broken family whose every move is either castigated or cheered by those who follow their drama. Ultimately, I think we expect most females who ascend to the upper echelon of politics to be similiar to Hilary or Nancy Pelosi in both perspective and demeanor, and because she is NOT, Palin both irks and fascinates.