Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Landon Fucking Donovan

A very telling piece of information has come out of some silly corruption trial featuring the disgraced ex-Governor of Illinois, a guy with a terrible haircut named Blow-go. Part of the trial involves the playing of tapes recorded in the Blow-go's office as he wheeled and dealed his way to being tossed out of office on his sleazy ass. At one point during these recordings, Blow-go admits to some lackey that our awesome, fake, power grabbing, freakish, throwing like a girl, socialist messiah, one Barack Hussein Obama, is "hen-pecked" by his monstrous looking wife. And I don't know these people, nor do I have any interest in making their acquaintance, but Blow-go's claim has a definite ring of truth to it. Old Barry being hen-pecked (and probably cuckolded as well) helps explains why he's more indecisive than Hamlet. Although, at least Hamlet had that hot sister. Old Barry just has half-brothers and half-sisters and cousins who all seem to be homeless paupers unable to catch a break in this random game of life.

Well, huge today. Just huge. USA got through to the knockout round of the World Cup. I was working and unable to see the match live. But, I got a number of texts letting me know the result and the kind folks back in the office kept me updated as the match progressed. Anyway, I was obviously thrilled and I was almost tempted to find someone to hug. But, then I thought better of that. Hugging people, that's disgusting. Obviously. Landon Donovan is now the athlete of the year. No one will ever forget what he's done over in the RSA. At least I won't. Nor should I. It is truly, for at least once, a great day to be alive.

My voice is aching, I'm tongue-tied

I am out - TBFH

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