Friday, August 7, 2009

Angry Mobs Make For Funny Television

I saw where Barack Hussein Obama and his henchmen in the White House are encouraging their loyal worshippers to send them names of people who disagree with their socialized health care nonsense. And I wish I could say I'm surprised, but I'm not. Leftists consolidate power through exactly these means. It's how Stalin stayed in power for over 30 years. What they do is scare people into turning in other people (and by other people I mean folks who would dare to dissent from the party line). So, what all this means is that old Barry is developing an enemies list - and I think anyone who is surprised is either highly gullible or a clueless member of the Democrat Party. I might be on this enemies list. So, if I disappear under even remotely fishy circumstances, you all will know who to look toward as far as who offed me.

I was just out to pick up lunch (some joint called Java Man J and the food was okay - whatever) and I got in line and was 4th to order. Now, there was some weird looking woman at the front of the line and she is up there talking to the cashier and the manager for like 7 or 8 minutes. It was nauseating. By the time they cleared up their disagreement (from what I could tell it was over 95 cents) the line was about 17 folks deep. When I finally got my turn to order, the cashier girl (a not too awful looking Asian chick, kind of nerdy, but in a seductive way) said "Name?" And I said "Frustrated." Later, as I was waiting to take off with a co-worker (his order came up after mine) this dude from behind the counter comes up with a bag of food, looks at the ticket, and says, very slowly "Order...for...hon...honeyeee...honeyee muster?"

A lot is being made of all the folks showing up at these fake town hall events and berating congressmen/women over all this socialized health care silliness (if you'll recall, I predicted, on this blog a couple months ago, this would happen, as I noted that old Barry is stepping in the deep end by messing with folks health issues). First, I find watching the highlights of these things terribly amusing. They are hysterically funny. But the main thing about it is that the in the tank for old Barry media is lashing out at folks for showing up at these fake town hall deals and expressing outrage. I've heard them described as "mobs" organized by secret right wing Nazi loving groups. And I gotta say, the left loving media is awfully hypocritical once again. I don't seem to recall much attention being paid to the fact that all the nutty leftist protests against old W were organized by groups who hated old W. But putting that aside, I think the in bed with old Barry media are totally missing the boat on these angry people at the fake town halls. I don't think they know their history very well - angry mobs were the impetus for our country's revolution from that fake monarch George the 3rd. Now, I'm not claiming that any reasonable person is considering revolting from the current oppressive regime, but I am saying that you should take these folks very seriously. The problem is that old Barry and his cadre of effete elitist cohorts have never been around regular people in their lives as they've spent all their time in far left leaning academic and government circles (mostly on the East Coast). Thus, they can't relate to how truly pissed off these folks are over the socialist power grab they're undertaking. They seem baffled that people passionately disagree with them. And, I guess it shouldn't be too surprising that old Barry and his Stalinesque crew find all the disagreement baffling. But things are only gonna get worse if old Barry and his band of merry socialist pranksters don't back off trying to turn this county into Sweden lite.

I was sitting at Patrick Bateman's again last night for the pointless and time killing trivia (helping Nana's crew again) and the annoying old guy with the white mustache was there again as well. And a question comes up about what bands won the Grammy for best new artist in 2004 and 2005. And I remembered one pretty quickly. Well, as I'm racking my brain for another guess, the old annoying guy with the white mustache says "Sugarland?" I said "Who the hell is Sugarland?" He said "Dixie Chicks?" I said "What is a dixie chick?" I ended up going with White Stripes as my 2nd guess and I was wrong. Earlier during one of the picture questions there was a photo of Amy Brenneman in judge's garb and the annoying guy with the white mustache says "Night Court?" The annoying old guy with the white mustache also started arguing with me about a picture of Angel Falls. He swore it was Victoria Falls. And at that point I just got up and said "You guys work it out. I don't care." I walked outside and paced...

Wednesday night I had the almost not too terrible fortune of sitting with Gramma Dave and a buddy of his for about 2 hours at some awful place up York Rd in or near Luther Campbellville. And I'm trying to help them at trivia and we played okay...whatever. But the conversation did turn to Gramma Dave's "roommate" or as I refer to her, his ex-fiance. And I'm not gonna delve into details of their shattered relationship. But at one point Gramma Dave and I were debating if this ex-fiance of his was cute or pretty (and there is a HUGE difference). And she is cute in a non-threatening, granola girl way. But she is not pretty in a, you give her the twice over every time she walks into a room, kind of way. And Gramma Dave is reasonable and he relented and admitted I was right. Then I started getting into the next 2 levels: 1) hot (Sharon Stone for example) & 2) mind numbingly hot (Annette Bening for example). And I think Gramma Dave and I had a real meeting of the minds after this conversation. His buddy was laughing pretty much the whole time I was there. And it just shows once again that I am terribly entertaining to hang out with.

I can feel it in my bones
I'm gonna spend my whole life alone...

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