Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Pointless Night Of Trivia

Posting will be super spotty here this month, as I'm ridiculously busy (and just took on more work that someone else is "too busy" to get to). Anyway, blah, blah, blah...Just bear with me through early next month and things should be a little less hectic - I'll try and post when I can, so check in, but the posts won't be very lengthy.

Big trivia game last Saturday and we dominated 33 other teams up until the final question. In fact, we were ahead by 16 on the entire field. Kudos to Dan, Katie, and Andy (he knew Claire Forlani and that was key). We put on one of the most impressive displays of uselessness ever. Alas, we lost on the last question...and I'm considering retiring from competitive trivia. We have another chance in another big game here in a few weeks. We'll see...

I'm working from MoonCents right now and these tools are sitting behind me discussing sales techniques. Anyway, they are lamenting the work ethic of kids just out of college. I turned around and said "Wait, wait, wait. Be thankful of one thing. As bad as the kids you're working with are who are under 25, just be thankful you aren't counting on Geilfuss to do any sales for you." One of these salesmen tools said, "Yeah, you've got a point there. I should be thankful I'm not counting on Geilfuss to complete big deals." The thing to remember is this: these salesmen tools are about 350 miles from the town that Elaine Benes is from and they still know the legend that is Geilfuss' nonexistent work ethic.

I'm ready duck
I'm ready to dive
I'm ready to say
I'm glad to be alive

Gotta run - Peace.

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