Saturday, June 11, 2011

Geilfuss Brings Something To My Attention

Geilfuss left a comment on this blog after the most recent stupid post. In that comment, Geilfuss informed me that the cliche king of ESPN, one Bill Simmons, wrote an article for the ESPN website comparing Lebron James to Scottie Pippen. Now, I have no clue if Simmons has ever stumbled onto this pointless blog. But, if he has, he would know, like all you sometimes readers of this blog know, that I made the comparison between James and Pippen last July. I have not read the Simmons article in question. Nor will I. However, I'm sure that in typical Simmons style, he used several thousand words to make a point that could have been made in several hundred. Anyway, what it shows is that, once again, readers of this blog are way far ahead of the curve on lots of issues and topics, sports or otherwise. I may need to reassess my comparison between James and Pippen. Because once someone like Simmons comes around to your viewpoint, you gotta think maybe you were wrong all along. In light of this development, I may have to start comparing James to another player. Maybe Jerry Sichting??? What with Simmons being a Boston homer and all, he'd probably not appreciate me linking the 2.

Speaking of Bill Simmons, on SportsCenter Tuesday night, ESPN showed some of those silly tweets that seem to be all over the place these days. The tweets in question were in regards to Lebron James's sorry performance in game 4 of the NBA Finals. I didn't pay attention to the context of the tweet itself that Simmons had shot out into Twitterland. But I did notice his screen name or handle or whatever the hell Twitterites call it. Simmons choice was SportsGuy33. At first I thought the name or whatever might have something to do with Simmons' age. But I know he's considerably older than 33. Then it hit me. Simmons, as I noted above, is a big Boston homer. The 33 is probably an homage or something like an homage to the Hick from French Lick - Larry Bird. And that makes sense. Because if there's one ugly, poorly spoken, & might I add white athlete that folks like Simmons worship, it's Bird. God forbid Boston homers use a black player's jersey number for their Twitter musings. Personally, if someone put a gun to my head and made me choose a Boston pro athlete's jersey number for a Twitter deal, I'd go with 23 for my man Dennis Oil Can Boyd. Or 45 for my man Pedro Martinez. What's ironic about those 2 numbers is that both were worn by one of Boston's nemeses, Mike Jordan.

Speaking of Twitterland, I don't exactly get what's so fascinating about it. I have no interest in what my fav celebs are doing at any given moment. It seems lots of the tweets or whatever concern the most inane details about this or that. Do I really need to know the up to the minute thoughts of the likes of the Ryan Stileses or Jeri Ryans or Jerry Rices or Rice-A-Ronis or Ronnies from the Jersey Shore of the world??? No, I don't.

Speaking of following someone on Twitter, the only person I'd follow personally would be Geilfuss. His minute to minute thoughts on whatever is going on around him are fascinating. Usually incoherent, yes. Usually poorly thought out, yes. Sometimes mystifying, yes. Occasionally deranged, yes. Often alcohol fueled, obviously. But fascinating nonetheless. If we could just have gotten Geilfuss elected Governor of Maryland last fall, the whole world would be a better place. The whole fucking world.

I might also follow one of the Jacobys on there. Probably the lonely Russian Jacoby. I never understand a word the kid is saying or what his thoughts are behind whatever he's poorly communicating, but the lonely Russian Jacoby laughs easily. He's certainly jovial. You gotta give the kid that. Most of his tweets would be something like: Ha ha hahahaha. Something in that vein.

So, I was perusing the latest scorching issue of the Rhino the other day at the place I occasionally show up to work. So, Greensboro's favorite sketchy writer, one Scotty Roast, was going on about folks who start sentences with the word "so" when it was so unnecessary. So, I read over Roast's rant on this "so" issue. So, I can slightly see where he's coming from. So, I somewhat disagree with Roast anyway. So, I'm writing this paragraph using too many so's. So there.

Say It Isn't So is a terrible song by that Daryl Hall & his pornstached little sidekick, one John Oates. No doubt the duo is on pretty regularly at Scotty Roast's mansion in Irving Park or wherever.

I was informed via the old Faceshit that a sometimes reader of this blog got hitched a few weeks back. And while I don't condone, nor even remotely understand marriage, congratulations, Frances!

Okay, I've now written 8 stupid little paragraphs today. That's about enough.

Commercial Reign

1 comment:

Frances said...

Thank you, Damon... I had never particularly understood, condoned or campaigned for marriage as a necessary, or preferable, legal-moral-social institution over mere down-to-earth coupledom either, myself, but in this case, my case that is, it seems to be working out quite nicely so far, minus all the absolutely hideous fuss over permanent resident status, work permits, and other USCIS bull-honk, since apparently I've gone and yoked myself to a (thoroughly lovable) martian. :3