Saturday, July 23, 2011

Old Bags Surviving The Heat

I was checking into the comments portion of Blogger manager a few minutes ago & found that 3 fascinating new readers of this blog have been leaving comments on old posts. The 3 commenters go by the names Sex Chat, Phone Sex, & Sex Chat Line. And I just wanna take the opportunity to thank these 3 folks for taking the time to leave their very thoughtful, and dare I say astute, comments. For instance, my new friend Sex Chat left this gem after a post from just before this year's Super bowl: Thanks for sharing such a good information, Brilliant concept to encourage bicycling! products it will be very helpful to my son. Now, I'm sure that the information I shared in that post about Genital Ben working it in the men's room with cheap skanks was indeed good. And the insight shown by Sex Chat in noting the hidden message on the concept of bicycling! products is deep and meaningful on a level that is seldom seen in the comment section of this blog. As far as Sex Chat's son goes, I think reading this blog would be helpful to all the sons of the entire world. It's really what I've been aiming at all along. I do have to question Sex Chat's use of punctuation however. Not to be picky or anything, but that exclamation point after the word bicycling is a little needless, reminiscent of the grammar skills exhibited by Geilfuss for instance. Perhaps Geilfuss is the son spoken of so lovingly by Sex Chat in the comment...

I was standing around outside at the place I occasionally show up to work & the scorching hot issue of the Spiderman musical was brought up. No one could remember the exact title of the catastrophe riddled production. But I remembered it. I said, "Spiderman: Don't Fart In The Dark." Someone laughed...

Speaking of scorching hot, it's been fairly warm here recently in the old Gate City. And by warm, I mean like 100 degrees. It is summer & we are in the South & it's gonna get hot. Blah, blah, blah...What's amusing is that our dear friends on the local newscast on WXII have been running little messages on their ticker that appears at the bottom of the old TV screen regarding the heat. My favorite message is when they inform their viewers to check in on family members, neighbors, or acquaintances who live alone. They note to particularly check in on the elderly in these trying heat-infested times. So, what I've been doing is running around house to house checking on random old ladies, making sure they are surviving the heat attack. I must admit that I feel very good about my good deeds. It's heartwarming to know that old bags are keeping cool. Many of these blue haired Bettys have been incredibly thankful when I've stopped by to be sure they aren't dead. I did have one especially interesting encounter the other night. I rang some octogenarian babe's doorbell right at 6:30. And after a minute of waiting for an answer & hoping like hell that she wasn't a goner, this Depression survivor ambled to the door, opened it, and was standing there in a flimsy housecoat, and nothing else. The flimsy housecoat appeared to be made of a silky type material, it was very much see-thru. And the brief conversation that ensued really gets at the whole "being a good neighbor" concept that WXII is no doubt looking to foster by running their little messages on their little ticker deal. The conversation pretty much consisted of the 80-something year old lady inviting me in for iced tea, me politely turning her down, her raising her left arm just high enough that her flimsy housecoat rose up to her hips, me complimenting her on her trim presentation (shaved 100% raw), and then me running like hell. I'm sure just such an encounter is what WXII had in mind all along.

In the last silly post on this blog I mentioned some controversy over a debt ceiling issue. Well, this perplexing issue came up again at the place I occasionally show up to work (at my real fake job, not the fake fake jobs). Anyway, there was some chit chat (or is it chit-chat, or chit/chat, or chat chit, or fat chick???) on this debt ceiling deal at some point recently. I didn't listen very closely. Obviously. But the folks chatting about it sure seemed to be in a panic over John Boner's or that freak Michele Bachmann's role in destroying this once not so awful country's credit rating. I was tempted to chime in with a wry (or rye) comment about what these crazies were saying. But I didn't. That's the problem with the crazies right there. They can't take a joke. Every silly issue becomes life and death. That is, the issue is life and death until it's inevitably resolved. Then the supposed life and death issue is totally forgotten about. Then a few weeks pass. Then these same crazies pick up on another media driven the end of the world is coming story. Then that becomes life and death for a time. It's a vicious cycle, perhaps even a vicious bicycle!, of panic over nothing. Me? I don't worry about any of it. I prefer to think about more important matters, like the point spreads for the 1st week of college football action. It's only 5 & 1/2 more weeks until Thursday, Sepember 1st. 2 huge games that night, UNLV/Badgerland & BGSU/Idaho. My Vandals.

But the sword that cut him open

Was the sword in his mother's hand

1 comment:

Sexual Network said...

Thanks for sharing such a good information, Brilliant concept to encourage bicycling! products it will be very helpful to my son. Really interesting.