Monday, September 20, 2010

Omar Wins An Election

Our fatigued and clueless fake leader, one Barack Hussein Obama, held some town hall type deal earlier where regular folks had the opportunity to unload their frustrations with Barry on Barry. And from what I can gather, the regular folks took advantage of their opportunity. One woman ripped old Barry, telling him "I'm exhausted. I'm exhausted of defending you, ...defending the mantle for change I voted for, and deeply disappointed with where we are right now." I feel bad for this woman. Yes, she was gullible to ever buy the bullshit chope jive Barry was spinnng to voters back 2 years ago. But, it's too mean to mock this woman too much for falling for Barry's suave, half-brother, socialist charms. I give her a pass. As for Barry, what a clueless moron. I don't know what he expected when agreeing to this town hall type deal with regular folks. Did Barry really think these people would bow and weep and swoon like school girls do over Justin Bieber? Everything I've been saying the past 22 months is coming to pass. It really is. The best proof of Barry's delusional mindset right now is that he still insists that the measures he's put in place are working. Where has he been living? Oh, that's right, he's been off vacationing all summer. That or playing golf. What an oblivious, narcissistic loser. He's almost reached a Marie Antoinette level of cluelessness at this point.

Speaking of Barry's cluelessness, I got a message from Keith of Gettin The Crabs via the Faceshit recently. And Keith was very interested in my prediction on just how many seats the Democrat Party is gonna lose in the House. And based on all the evidence I can gather, coupled with Barry's utterly disastrous town hall type fiasco today, I'm thinking over 60 seats. These lackeys working in Barry's employ will wake up on November 3rd with a hangover worse than Tyson gets after a Ravens' loss (more on that later in the week). And let me assure you, that's not good.

Speaking of Barack Hussein Obama, his #2 guy, his key advisor on everything. The man with a constant medically aided raging boner, one Joe Biden of Delaware, was explaining how important he is to our failing, once great country. Joe said he was 2nd in line to the presidency. 2nd. Joe said he is 2nd. Did you read that right? Joe Biden thinks he's 2nd in line to the presidency. I guess my question for Joe and his medically induced raging hard-on is this: who is 1st line? Jonathan Liebowitz of Comedy Central fame? Jonathan Papplebon of Red Sox fame? Jonathan Taylor Thomas of Tool Time fame? Jonathan Edwards of 18th theology fame? My personal guess is Johnny Reid Edwards. If Teresa Heinz's girly husband had been elected in 2004, it might still be Johnny Reid Edwards. Although, it's possible that Americans might frown upon a vice-president knocking up a skank while his wife battles cancer. Isn't it?

Speaking of 2nd in line, I'll take a random porn actress over Joe Biden any day. Any of them. Seriously.

Speaking of Delaware, there is some crazy Tea Party woman who won their primary for Senator last week. And this woman has suddenly replaced Sarah Palin as public enemy #1 for the wackos in the Barry worshipping media. And this woman is a nut - a nut I remember seeing on Politically Incorrect with the guy who was politically incorrect before becoming totally politically correct, one Bill Maher. She was loony. Loonier than Arianna Huffington was (this was back when Arianna was a right-wing quack, before she switched to being a left-wing quack) on Maher's program. But the way the Barry in their poop chute media is attacking this loony lady is silly. In fact, I visited her website the other day. And if a donation from a far out crazed lunatic like myself wouldn't be frowned upon, I'd send her the dough that Barry and his socialist crew keep begging me for in their massive, spam-like email campaign.

They have the pregame on the ESPN right now and I'm gonna have to change it. Stuart Scott has gotten so bad, that I literally can't listen to him anymore, much less look at him. I think Scott's lazy eye deal has gotten worse. It's so bad, the one evil eye, the crooked one, seems to be looking completely to the side now. Maybe Hannah Storm is in Scott's peripheral vision - naked and shaved raw? At least that would be some excuse.

Speaking of shaved raw, I mentioned a week or so ago on this pointless, stupid, unreadable, self-delusional, narcissistic blog that Steve was contemplating shaving 4 Eyes raw (go back and read the post, it was like 10 days ago). Anyway, last Thursday at the Wing Joint on Battleground, that very topic came up. Steve was reluctant to agree to the assignment before him (the assignment being, if you were too lazy to go back and read the older post, to shave 4 Eyes beautiful pussy). Well, Derek came up with an idea to solve this problem. He suggested that everyone at the bar vote on who would have the important assignment to get with 4 Eyes and get her nice and cleanly shaved. Well, the results of the vote were very close. And I can report that Omar was the winner. The only problem was that Omar was not at the bar when the vote was taken. I broke the news to him last night during the atrocious Indy/G Men tilt. This may be a surprise to some, but Omar is reluctant to accept the outcome of the democratic process. In talking to Omar about the situation, I tried to describe the rules for voting. Everyone got 1 vote, except Laurie. Laurie got 2. Oh, and me. I voted as often as I felt necessary. My rationale for that was that I was best prepared to cast votes for people who should vote, but didn't happen to be in the bar at the moment. No one argued with me. They all know better. There's no reason to waste your breath when I'm going to argue something completely ludicrous using sheer lunacy posing as logic. I'm excellent at it. Ask Andy. The funny thing about the conversation I had with Omar is that once I convinced him that I did not vote for him (and I didn't), I did break the sacred secrecy of the ballot box and admitted who I voted for. And here, for the record, revealed to all, are the people I cast votes for in the Shave 4 Eye's Beautiful Pussy Election 2010: 1) Grandma 2) Scheyer's My Heart 3) Barack Hussein Obama 4) Big Chris and 5) the Lucky Charms leprechaun.

I had a bad Sunday on the NFL. I'm rolling with the Under tonight.

He was lookin' for a place called Lee Ho Fook's

I'm pointing that way - to the right, always to the right----->

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