Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Quran Burns In Gainesville

Very big news this week out of the part of the world some folks call The Swamp - Gainesville, Florida. Some nutty douche minister and his flock of northern Florida freaks have decided to burn copies of the Quran. Now, why this crew of morons would want to do this is unclear to me. I'm guessing they think they're making some kind of political statement against Islamic jihadists and blah, blah, blah. Of course this idiotic decision to burn the Quran is only trumped by the pitiful media's rush to hype this event as evil or ignorant or galling or whatever. If no one had paid this band of zealous outcasts any mind and let them have their stupid Quran burning party in obscurity, who would have cared? Not me. But now, thanks to this overblown and probably phony outrage towards the North Florida nutcases, this flock of kooks is getting super famous and feeling emboldened and relevant in the national discourse. It's typical media silliness. The key thing about this Quran burning rally is the timing of it. Not the 9/11 aspect of the timing. The 6 to 9 o'clock timing of the rally is the real key. You see, the Florida Gators are playing the USF Bulls on Saturday at 12:20. And as much as this weird sect of quacks might want to burn the Quran, they want to watch their Gators even more. If the Quran burning party had been scheduled for early afternoon, no one would have gone. I guarantee it. I'm sure their irrational love of the Gators trumps their irrational hatred of the Quran. In fact, many folks (including Angie Jolie) have been pleading with this church crowd to call off the whole deal. And that's not gonna happen, UNLESS one man comes forward to tell these losers to cancel the thing. That man is, you guessed it, one Tim Tebow. I'm sure these people love Tebow more than they hate Islam or love baby Jesus. Only you can save us from having to hear about this for another week or 2 Tebow. We look to you Tim. Help.

I got another email from the psychotic brain trust over at earlier today. This missive was sent by a dude named Dave Plouffe - I have no idea how high up the guy is in Barry's hierarchy of lackeys. Anyway, Dave's message came across loud and clear to me - the Democrat Party is getting desperate. They were begging me to click a link and donate 5 measly bucks to stem the tide of Republican steam. And this will shock all of you, but I didn't donate. If these folks are soliciting $5 donations in mass emails less than 2 months before the elections, they know they are in bad shape. The Democrats are gonna get crucified. At least they seem to be sending the signal they expect to get crucified. Because a $5 donation from me or some other lonely Internet buddy/worshipper of Barry isn't gonna do anything except make me or my fellow Obama Fucks America friends $5 poorer. Someone needs to tell this Dave Plouffe that his letter reeks of a certain panic about how bad off these Democrat operatives know things are going for their messiah, Barack Hussein Obama.

The other interesting thing I noticed about Dave Plouffe's email was that when you do click the link to give the guy your 5 bucks, he asks you a series of questions about yourself while shaking you down. One of them is your occupation. And I have no idea why they'd need to ask the occupation of a $5 donor to this group of leftist losers. Shouldn't the occupation line be filled in the same for every contributor? Wouldn't the occupation always be unemployed and unemployable???

Big football weekend coming up here. And I'm gonna find time to get picks up here the next couple days. But if I don't post tomorrow, take the Vikes and the 4&1/2. And in college take Miss State. One of my favorite bets is on a home college dog on a national ESPN Thursday game. It seems to hit over and over. School pride and all that silliness.

Don't be sad
You're a world class fad


Mr.Dan said...

Hey brother, just to let you know how hyped the media thing is with the quran burning, i just read about this in an english language newspaper out here in korea.

Anonymous said...

'stem the tide' been listening to Floyd Animals lately, or worried about Bama/PSU this weekend??
