Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Little Matricide In The Windy City

I got an email from an occasional reader of this silly blog, & attached to the email was a link to a story from the Huffing Paint Post. The story was about some psychopathic 33 year-old cat from Chicago who killed his mother because she refused to buy him tickets to an Avril Lavigne concert. In all honesty, I didn't read the article too closely. But I can imagine the particulars of the tale. It's as old as time itself. You know, some nut job who is socially pitiful, can't find any job that relates to his master's degree, balding, never been laid, hanging with his mom watching soft-core porn on the old Skinemax. That type of dude. Now, I don't pretend to know too much about Avril Lavigne. But she strikes me as just the type that wackos described above would latch onto in their sketchy little brains. She's cute enough, I guess. And she gives off that kind of phony edginess that men with an axe to grind find so fetching. I feel particularly bad for the mom in this instance. You know, what with her being dead and all as a result. I think Ms Lavigne will be just fine - she's got her millions. As far as the kid committing the matricide, I know dudes like him. I've supervised dudes like him. Hell, I may have actually supervised him at one point when I was doing some work up near Chicago in some place called Aurora, Illinois. It's not beyond the realm of possibility. And the thing about dudes like this matricide commiting freak is this - they work too slowly, are never in their seat on time, ask too many questions, and leer at too many ugly women. Other than that, they're awesome...

Gotta run for Sunday Ticket, & after taking the pipe yesterday, I will be pulling hard for the Bolts. If anyone is bored this afternoon, Brandon & I will be at the infamous Kickin Chicken; chain-smoking and mocking Jerome Booger. Obviously...

Gats in holsters, girls on shoulders

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