Note: Above, from left - Ross (in at least his 3rd appearance on this blog), Mark (in his debut), and, looking slightly effeminate as always, Geilfuss (in at least his 3rd appearance). This photo was snapped by Luke this very weekend outside some Irish joint on Broadway St in Chicago.I was looking in, ever so briefly, on a few of the retarded and outdated Sunday morning news shows earlier. A couple of topics came up that merit at least slight comment. There seemed to be quite a bit of talk about building a mosque in lower Manhattan. The controversy puzzles me. As "insensitive" as some folks claim building this place of weird Islamic worship would be, the fact remains that the 1st Amendment is still in effect (although I'll grant you that it appears on life support these days with Barry and his crew in charge). And that being the case, you have to let these Islamic people build their mosque - case closed. What a waste of time it is listening to talking heads arguing about such a non-issue.
Speaking of Islam, there was much hand-wringing this morning about a poll that shows that 18% of Americans believe that our failing saviour, one Barack Hussein Obama, is a follower of Islam. And I have no idea what the man's religion really is. Quite honestly, I don't care. Barry was a long-time member of that African wizard looking guy's church in Chicago, but hung the wizard out to dry when being associated with said wizard was no longer politically desirable - some friend Barry is. Anyway, as far as why about 1 in 5 folks think Barry is a Muslim, it could be because the NY Times once said he was a Muslim. And everyone knows that the NY Times never makes any errors. They're way beyond reproach. Even if you don't take the NY Times at their word, you could also argue that Barry is technically a Muslim because, as I've said before on this barely readable blog, in the eyes of Islam, if your daddy is a Muslim, then guess what, you are as well. This whole issue is also silly. Isn't it a little more significant that Barry has been an unmitigated disaster thus far (something, once again, that readers of this blog knew was going to happen since before Barry ascended to his holy throne of power back in Jan of 2009)?
Speaking of polls, it appears that Barry's approval rating is still low and not rebounding. And I wouldn't read anything into that beyond the fact that folks overwhelmingly don't like what is going on right now. I certainly wouldn't extrapolate these low numbers to claim that folks are excited about what John Boner and Mitch McConnell have in mind if they assume control of Congress next January. I've mentioned before on this blog, and faithful readers have noticed this, that I've been attacking Barry about 25% - 33% as often as I did last year. For one, I don't find it as much fun. For 2, I'm never comfortable agreeing with the majority. And for 3, and most importantly, I never wanted this blog to become some kind of rallying point for right wing nuts. It's the main reason I have never made any attempt to publicize this blog on other parts of the web. That and I'm not a whore. I know I talked with Andy about this a number of times back in the first several months after starting this blog. I have no desire to be even a remote poster child for what passes as Republican political thought. One other interesting note about Barry's pitiful approval with voters is this - in key swing districts around the country Barry is polling as less popular (maybe "more unpopular" would be a better phrase) than my man W. I saw something on the Faceshit recently about t-shirts with W's face and the phrase - Miss Me Yet? on there. I wouldn't wear a shirt like this, but I'd encourage others to. Compared to Barry, my man W looks like a great statesman and world class political ace.
Speaking of Barack Hussein Obama, it appears that he's taking some heat for being on vacation again. And as I said last summer when this came up, Barry should be criticized for not taking ENOUGH vacation. Let him take the next 29 months off. It would be fine by me. I'm just a little worried that he'd be re-elected anyway. Or almost as bad, some tool like Mitt Romney or that strange preacher type guy who used to be governor of Arkansas would get in. As I mentioned last month, if the GOP wants to become relevant next time in presidential politics, they need to find someone new and good. Good is important. But so is new.
Speaking of Mitt Romney, if he ever got elected president, do you think he'd wear the sacred undergarments at the swearing in ceremony? Or maybe he'd wear ONLY the sacred undergarments at the swearing in ceremony. The sight of that would probably enrage Joe Biden's medically induced massive boner into such a frenzy that it would fly right off.
I mentioned yesterday that Ross, Geilfuss, and the Jacobys were living it up in Chicago over this weekend. Below are the texts I've gotten from Geilfuss and Luke concerning the trip. Ross may have been too drunk or too pissed at me for not going to text. Or both. My interaction with Geilfuss and Luke via text will be in blue. The actual texts from Geilfuss and Luke are in black. And yes, I did fix Geilfuss's horrible texting to make his thoughts vaguely coherent. As for Luke's texts, they are unfixed. The kid did graduate from Johns Hopkins back in 2002...
Thursday 12:25 PM from Geilfuss- Passing through something called Beaver Valley on our way to Chicago.
I think I ignored this juvenile text. That or I might have said something like - Cool.
Thursday night 12:25 AM from Geilfuss- Cougar hunting at an Irish bar in Chicago with Ross and the Jacobys.
Not a whole lot surprising here. I've mentioned before on this blog about cougar hunting with the Jacobys at the cougar bar up York Rd. Although to be fair, the cougars the fellas were after in those circumstances weren't much older than yours truly. I am getting old. I then inquired what part of Chicago they were hanging in, as I've spent a few weekends there myself over the years.
Thursday night 12:52 AM from Geilfuss- Wrigleyville. Ross is yelling Fuck _____. He's a faggot for not coming - repeatedly.
Not shocking that Ross is yelling slurs about me in this situation. I would have loved to have gone, but couldn't get away.
Thursday night 1:46 AM from Geilfuss - We lost Ross on the subway.
Friday 10:20 AM from Geilfuss- He's on the floor asleep in a pillow case.
This was after I texted Geilfuss to be sure they'd found Ross. Or Ross had found them. Or something.
That evening I inquired if the fellas were hammered and if Ross was still alive.
Friday night 12:41 AM from Luke - hahahaa.....not quite hammered.....Ross is alive and well.....we lost him between 2:30 and 3:30 last night but it ended would enjoy this
I'm guessing I would have been enjoying this. I'm guessing I would have been feeling it. I'm guessing I would have been thriving.
Friday night 12:44 AM from Geilfuss - I'm getting hammered. Mark is hammered. Ross is alive and ordering shots.
This is quite a development, as Mark is not known for getting shit-faced. I've only seen the kid really drunk 2 or 3 times in the past.
Sat night at 12:44 AM from Geilfuss- We've stumbled into a dive bar.
This should shock no one. I like how Geilfuss has stolen one of my favorite verbs to describe, in a slightly esoteric way, the fact they are drunk again.
Sat night at 12:46 AM from Geilfuss - Done.
This was in response to my suggestion that shots were in order.
Sat night at 2:08 AM from Geilfuss - The Jacobys left and Ross and I are at the dive bar.
I've also seen this phenomenon before. The Jacobys are sensible people. Geilfuss & Ross are gonna lay it all out there and keep drinking until the bar won't serve them anymore. They very much take after me in this respect (and dare I say other ways too - which reminds of the time that a stupid skanky bartender asked if I was Geilfuss's father...).
Bad night with the exhibition football last night. The picks were solid as always - based on informed research and what has happened in the past under similar circumstances. Don't panic. I'm certainly not. Take the Niners tonight and move on.