Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Letter From Barry's Gang

I don't think I've mentioned before on this asinine blog that about 6 weeks ago I went to a website called mybarackobama.com. While there I signed up with something called Organizing For America. It's some web-based effort to get money to Democrat Party causes, get folks together to bother others to vote Democrat, urge folks to call Senate or Congress folks, and overall worship our fearful failure of a leader, one Barack Hussein Obama. The reason I signed up is because I want to drop in on some of this crews' events around the Gate City leading up to this fall's irrelevant elections. Why, you may wonder, do I want to hang with old Barry's minions? Well, I think it would be amusing for one, & for two, it would give me some interesting blog fodder. I haven't been to any events as of yet. For a group that calls itself Organizing For America, they don't seem super organized. Nevertheless, I have gotten a number of emails from the group - everything from updates on the passage of some commie bill they've rammed through to an invite to sign a birthday card for old Barry. Silliness. But I got one today that I find particularly stupid. I am gonna reprint it for everyone below. As always, any comments I have to this letter will appear in blue. The letter itself will be in standard black.

Friend (I had no idea we were friends, I half expect the more standard lefty greeting of Comrade when I open emails from this gang) -

Right now, my job - along with those of my colleagues - could be in jeopardy (isn't that pretty much the case with every job right now?).

I'm a public school teacher in Philadelphia (the town that threw snowballs at Santa Claus). And, like most states across the country, Pennsylvania is facing some bad budget shortfalls (it should say - Pennsylvania, like most states across the country, has spent taxpayer money like a drunken skank at a sex shop sale).

Without federal help, a lot of teachers like me - as well as other public servants like police officers and firefighters - will lose their jobs (that is a damned lie. If Philly found ways to curb their spending in other areas, no teacher would lose their job. Although teachers losing jobs might not be a bad thing. I've mentioned before on this blog about the utter incompetence and careerism that permeates government work. Also, I enjoy how the message tries to scare folks into thinking that police might be laid off as well. That's a nice touch, playing on people's fears of being robbed so that overpaid teachers can keep cashing paychecks at federal taxpayers expense.). Maybe you know some of these people (I do know plenty of them. They are, as I said, mostly overpaid idiots. I've worked with many folks in education. Go back and read my post about state workers from back in January or February of this year.). Maybe it's you (maybe it's not!).

Democrats in Congress are trying to do the right thing ("right" is a relatively subjective term, don't you think? Right for who?), proposing emergency assistance for states to preserve more than 100,000 jobs like mine (that is absurd. How is it an emergency now, when it wasn't one a few weeks ago when the Congress recessed?). They're racing (this term pumps up the phony urgency of the situation) back to the Capitol for an emergency (there's "emergency" again) session this week to pass this bill and save these jobs (finally they get down to it! I've been mocking this whole notion of "saved" jobs for the past 18 months. It's semantic trickery. You can't prove a "saved" job. But, when this bill passes, the Democrat party can run around talking about how they saved 100,000 jobs - coincidentally, of course, a mere 2 &1/2 months before the elections.).

But Republicans are standing in the way (those evil no-good scoundrels!). Minority Leader John Boehner (I call the dude John Boner myself, and have mocked him on this blog) is calling the bill a "payoff (Boner is dead on by the way, for once)" to "special interests (teacher groups are indeed a special interest. Their lobby plows tons of dough into Democrat coffers.)" and attacking every Democrat who is fighting for us (notice again the leftist overtones here).

But I'm not a special interest. I'm a teacher. (I don't know what kind of teacher this broad is, but I do know that she is a special interest. Liar.)

The letter goes on a little longer, but basically repeats the same plea. There's no reason to print it here. At the end of this missive it is signed thus - Thank you, Wendy C, Teacher, Ambler, PA. I'm sure Wendy is one hot teacher. I'd like to meet her, buy her a beer. And then mock her for being used by Barack Hussein Obama & the Democrat party. Well done Wendy. You idiot.

I've been keeping up with the new season of Mad Men thus far. It's still good. Not enough January Jones though. Not by a sight.


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