Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Pig Faced Duke Fan Who Loves Glenn Beck

Not much time here today at all, but I did wanna alert everyone that we've got the big hoops tournament continuing tonight. And I've been super lax in getting any previews up the past couple weeks. As we look at tonight's lines, a couple things intrigue me. The totals in the late games, they should both go under. As far as the sides, I don't see much value with the dogs tonight (with maybe the exception of Cornell). I'd go ahead and take 'Cuse, and K State. As far as the WVA/U DUB game, if the fouls come like I think they should, the over should hit.

I ran into this Duke fan last night (she was wearing a Duke visor - maybe reminiscent of Steve Superior when he coached the Devils). This woman had a pig face. And a poor knowledge of hoops. Anyway, I got tired of even glancing in her direction very fast. But she kept talking about how much she admired Coach K - "I really think he's such a sterling role model." "I just have this profound admiration for his class and the class his players exude." That kind of thing (although the word exude may not have ever left her lips). And I was super nice. I didn't say anything to make her cry or storm out of the bar in a fit. Anyway, she proceeded to get hammered with a friend (I won't even get into how the friend annoyed me...) over the next couple hours. At some point I said something to Dave, the bartender, with some political undertone to it. And this pig faced, visor wearing Duke fan said, as she high-fived me, "Are you a conservative?" And I said, "Not exactly, but that kinda depends how you define conservative." And then, I'll be damned, this woman asks, "Do you watch Glenn Beck?" And I replied, "Not really, no. He's a buffoon." She said, "How can you claim to be conservative and not like Glenn Beck?" I said, "I never claimed to be conservative, you pig face, and if you wanna love Glenn Beck, go right ahead. Why do I have to agree with you? I mean, you admire Coach K, a phony if there ever was one. And this Glenn Beck guy, he's a performer, not a conservative. Jesus. Damn Duke fans." She didn't like any of that at all, especially the pig face comment. She was pretty sore at me. Dave seemed to soothe things over with her though - Dave's crazy for Glenn Beck. He hates Duke, but he's a big Glenn Beck fan. This whole Glenn Beck mania, it's almost as bad as the Barry mania was before everyone started to get sick of the guy - almost.

Going to finally see Crazy Heart here in a bit - gotta run.

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