Well, the Faceshit has proved useful for maybe the 2nd time in its history. I mentioned last week about hearing from a Renee who went to "school" with me at The Bush Of Death around the time I did. You might also recall that in my 1st post about The Bush Of Death I mentioned having an unhealthy fixation on a girl named Rayna Russell. Anyway, Renee sent me some photos over the old Faceshit. And, as you can probably guess from the photo above, one of the photos Renee sent is of Rayna. Now all of you have seen photos of 2 girls I had unhealthy fixations on when I was a teenager (if you are a newer reader to this blog, and wish to see the other girl, go back to a post from May of last year called The Night With The Sweaty Waiter). Big thanks to Renee.
I also ran into someone yesterday and that person was incredulous to hear that I didn't know who Rascal Flatts were before googling Jay Demarcus. And that I had no clue that Jay was one of the members of this putrid, but popular group. My response to that is this: I will forget who Rascal Flatts are in a matter of days, but I will never forget what a cheeseball pathological liar Jay Demarcus used to be. It's my experience that cheeseballs stay cheeseballs. And patholgical liars stay pathological liars. So, there you go.
It looks like the earth is bracing for something called a solar tsunami later this evening. I have no clue what such a phenomena would entail. But, if we're really lucky it will reverse the perpetual medically induced boner sported by Joe Biden.
Speaking of Joe Biden, I saw where his master, one Barack Hussein Obama, appeared on some show with Whoopi Goldberg and other similarly ugly women. And these ladies asked old Barry about Snooki from Jersey Shore (I had no idea anyone cared about Jersey Shore any longer), and Barry claimed to have no knowledge of just who Snooki is. Then it came out that Barry did know who Snooki is and may have been too sheepish or embarrassed to admit it to Whoopi Goldberg and her band of daytime gabfest hags. And I'm gonna defend old Barry on this one. I'm sure he does know who Snooki is and probably has a tremendous urge to fuck her. The reason I say that is because if there's one thing I know about a wannabe brother like Barry, it's that they have thing for fat white chicks. And that being the case, you can see why Barry lied to Whoopi Goldberg's heinous crew of heifers about knowing anything at all about Snooki.
Awesome news out of a place called Gaithersburg, Md. Evidently a dude threw his cum at some broad as she was exiting a Giant grocery store. It just goes to show why you should stay away from grocery stores at all costs.
I'll get to more soon. By the way, these poker players online are tedious.
Well this is the "infamous" Rayna Russell..I'd like to know who this is and why you never told me this at Bush of Death??? lol
Ok I found out who this is...So Damon I had no idea you had a "crush" on me.. I must say you were always nice and I'm flattered. Hope all is well with you :)
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