Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Czech Girl In The Interesting Dress

One of the oddest things about staying on the top floor of a hotel is when you ride the elevator down to the lobby. As folks get on from the lower floors they almost all press 1 (the lobby). And I am always so tempted to say - "Do I look like an idiot?" Why would I be in the elevator headed down if I hadn't pressed 1 when I got on? People - they're the worst.

Also, they have this free happy hour here every night. And I don't take advantage of it nearly as much as I should, and the reason is the tedious people constantly waiting in line for free booze. They are awful and if you say something ridiculous out loud (to, you know - amuse yourself while waiting for a drink - god forbid), almost all of them look at you like you're nuts (and I might be, admittedly). Business travelers - humorless, free booze chasing morons. At least for the most part.

I was at the Cheese Palace in Hell (the burger joint) last night and there was a couple to my left. And the woman inquired what I was drinking. I wasn't exactly sure, all I know is the bartender told me it tasted like Hawaiian Punch (it did by the way). So I said "Something really strong that tastes like Hawaiian Punch." and she said "Can I try a sip?" I said "No. That's gross." And her boyfriend pipes up and says "Are you implying my girlfriend is beneath sharing a drink with?" And I said "Exactly." Well, he didn't like that at all. He said "You best take that back boy. Or this might break bad." I said "OK." This seemd to puzzle him. Eventually he said "So you are taking it back?" I replied "No. She's vile and her gut is hanging so low that's it's distracting to my peripheral vision." He seemed more baffled than ever and wanted to take it outside or something silly. But his woman chimed in and said "He's not worth your trouble baby." And that's true - I'm not. So, they get up to go and he was upset with me and his woman and I bet they had a tense ride home. See, I'm doing what I can to make ugly women single -doing it for Paulie and his ilk. I'm nice that way.

Later I was standing outside of the Henry Hudson Grille and I'm smoking and this blonde is out there in some really interesting dress (I can't even describe it really) and smiles at me. So I said something silly to her. And she comes walking toward me and it became apparent she was European because after 30 seconds neither one of us could understand the other at all. So, she grabs my hand after another minute of saying "What?" And "I no know what you says." She said "I'm from Prague." And that I understood- finally. So I said "What a coincidence - me too." And she didn't get that at all. And I gave up and went inside. It was like talking to a Dream Teamer when you're sober. Just impossible. I saw this Czech girl inside and there was a whole table of them - about 12. I walked past pretty fast - the whole thing was depressing.

On HBO earlier they were showing something called 27 Dresses. And I am shocked to report that I actually watched the thing and enjoyed it on some level. The girl in it was pretty charming - she reminded me of a girl I know pretty well. And the dude who played the writer was good too - I think he was in Superman. So, I'm a little worried about myself - enjoying a chick flick. Who woulda thunk it?
I'm working hard on the bets for this evening's big games and I'm tempted to take Nova on the money line. I really am. Who knows?
I'm out---TBFH

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